Monday, March 19, 2012

SWTOR: Follow Up on 50

As you may have read last week, I finally hit level 50 in SWTOR. The post I wrote last week talked mainly about the gear gap that exists between a new level 50 player and one who has been 50 for a while. My fear was that I would be utterly useless in warzones and it would take a long grind in order to be a factor for my faction in PvP.

Let me give you a run down of what I have accomplished in the one week since hitting fifty. I have gone from valor rank 25 to valor rank 45. I have completed the daily and weekly PvP quests once each (yah, my faction doesn't win a lot of WZs). I have acquired 4 pieces of Centurion gear, along with a full set of Centurion relics, implants, and earpiece. My PvP bonus currently stands at 6.44%. I have also done the Belsavis and Ilum dailies 3 or 4 times each, earning me 54 daily commendations plus about 6 item mods I have used to upgrade my orange gear. I must admit that the progress has been satisfying and has certainly fit the casual lifestyle of gaming I must adhere to. There is always something to do when I log in and I have not felt once that a certain tier of gear is unattainable. Sure, there isn't any open world PvP to speak of, and there won't be anytime soon as Bioware is taking out the objectives on Ilum in order to give them a much needed overhaul. To be honest, one of the top reasons I am enjoying SWTOR so much these days is that I finally joined a guild I like. It is filled with like minded people who help out one another and simply have fun while playing.

So what's left to do? Well, my goal is to reach valor rank 50 by the time 1.2 comes out, and it looks like I will far surpass that. Valor rank 65 is also a big deal as then I can wear the top tier PvP set (Battlemaster). I have yet to run any of the top level flashpoints or operations, but then again, I am not a big PvE guy. I will most likely start running them when my guild does just to satisfy the completionist in me.

Even though I have yet to feel like I am through with this game, I can see how people get to level 50 and then quit as it does become your traditional MMO at the endgame. Hopefully it will take a while for me to acquire that feeling, but in the meantime, SWTOR will be my game of choice.

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